Meet Athena,
the 24/7 Enterprise AI Data Analyst

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Athena operates
on Olympus

Olympus is an AI-native platform for all of your data. Any workflow, deployed in your environment.

Scale your enterprise with
software before headcount

Applications that you already use, integrated with AI
The Olympus platform encompasses all familiar knowledge work and data apps that people have learned to operate, leaving the heavy lifting to Athena. Rather than changing human behavior, Athena complements existing work habits.
One platform, with your entire knowledge base
Olympus seamlessly integrates with all enterprise data sources, eliminating the need to navigate multiple systems.

Like a new team member, Athena's memory management system incorporates user preferences, business SOPs, enterprise objectives and strategic initiatives.
Our suite of applications is designed to enhance teamwork, whether you're working with colleagues or Athena. Each app supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users and agents to work together seamlessly.

All activities are logged and cited for transparency, with a complete history available for auditing. If needed, you can revert changes using our back-in-time controls.
Secure Deployment Options
Athena can be deployed into your company’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), ensuring that your data always remains within your security perimeter.

With this deployment model, all your sensitive data remains secure within your established security posture.

Invite Athena to your team

Want to learn more about how Athena can support your organization? Schedule a demo with our founding team.